Re: [ Creed Discuss ] Not the best way to start off the holiday season. . .

From: "Megan" <>
To: "The New Improved Less Lame List" <>
Date: Mon
2 Dec 2002 12:15:06 -0800 (PST)

I got in a car accident, too, for pretty much the same reason, on Saturday.  A green truck was fishtailing all over the road, and I turned my wheel as far to the right as possible without going off the road because I didn't want to be in the green truck's way.  Then I eased on my brakes, in case I had to pull off the road, and as soon as I did, I got stuck in a slide and slid into a very nice-looking black S-10 truck parked on the side of the road.  The fucking green truck never even stopped!  While I was waiting my car about 20 minutes later for the police officer to finish the report, a car swerved around the cop car and did a 360 before sticking the back end of it into the ditch...nice, huh?

     Anyway, I agree with Dave about it being a learning experience.  I am almost 17 and have been driving for a little over 2 years, and that was my first accident.  Scary, to say the least.  Fortunately, I came out quite a bit luckier than Dave.  My car is still driveable.  It just looks ugly now, as well as the black truck.  My alignment's really out of whack now, too.  The shittiest thing is that my insurance is PLPD, so it doesn't cover any damages to my car.  So now my pretty little not-supposed-to-be-driven-in-the-winter Camaro has what I like to call a blemish.  LOL  Oh well, I'm over the shock of it all, and am actually glad I hit the truck, because if I would have spun out like that car that went into the ditch, that would have been a hell of a lot scarier.  I fucking hate winter, and I especially hate MICHIGAN.  Ah well, at least we're alive, eh?


 David Brush <> wrote:

I'm back from Thanksgiving break. . . and what a "break" it was.  I mean, I was working throughout the holiday, but I still managed to break. . . my car.  Totaled it actually.  About a half hour away from home.  Hit a patch of ice, over corrected, spun a bit, and slammed into an embankment, driver's side first.
I got lucky, a bump on the head and whiplash (which is only now going away).  The car on the other hand. . . scrap metal and spare parts:-/
Anyhow, like I said, I'm back at school now, got a ride with a friend of mine.  Visiting Susan may become a BIT of a problem in the near future, but otherwise I'll manage.
I guess I can chalk it up to being a learning experience, but an experience I had hoped to avoid, and a very costly one indeed.  What did I learn?  Well, lemme see. . .
 * It doesn't matter WHAT the roads look like, they can still be treacherous.  There was no snow on the ground at the time. . . but there WAS black ice (guess who found it).
 * The speed limit is a MAXIMUM.  I already knew this, but it was a good reminder.
 * Cruise control is for use in good road conditions ONLY.  The fact that I had it engaged at the time only made things worse.  Ironically, I had been forwarded an e-mail about this only a couple hours before.
 * There really are still some decent people left in the world.  I was amazed there were so many people that came out to help, especially given how sparsely populated the area was and that it was 10:00 PM.
Anywho, I hope the rest of you had a good thanksgiving.

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